MASS Statute Amended 2017
Il-MASS twaqqfet bl’għan ewlieni tagħha li tgħin l-investitur iż-żgħir (retail investor) billi twassallu tagħrif biex ikabbar l-għarfien tiegħu tas-Suq Finanzjarju u tal-Investimenti. Dan biex l-investitur ikun informat aħjar qabel jagħmel għażla fejn jinvesti flusu.
Hi l-unika Għaqda Volontarja f’din il-ħidma li hi rreġistrata mal-Kummissarju tal-Għaqdiet Volontarji (MCVS).
L-Assoċjazzjoni torganizza konferenzi għall-pubbliku fejn kelliema esperti tas-Suq Finanzjarju, jispjegaw id-diversi oqsma li huma speċjalizzati fih.
Il-MASS tgħaddi wkoll tagħrif fin-newsletter tagħha ‘Shareholder’s News’, kif ukoll fil-website u l-paġna Facebook.
Il-MASS tieħu sehem attiv fil-Laqgħat Ġenerali Annwali (AGM) tal-kumpaniji kollha ikkwotati fuq il-Borża ta’ Malta (MSE), biex quddiem l-azzjonisti, titlob tagħrif siewi mill-Bord tad-Diretturi. Minbarra dan, il-MASS tivvota f’isem l-azzjonisti li ma jkunux ser jattendu l-AGM, meta jagħtuha l-proxies tal-ishma tagħhom.
L-Assoċjazzjoni twaqqfet f’Diċembru 2011, u issa, magħrufa l-aktar bħala l-MASS.
Il-MASS hi membru tal-Better Finance (European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users).
It-tessera tista’ tibqa’ titħallas b’ċekk f’isem il-Malta Association of Small Shareholders VO 0629, iżda jrid jintbagħt direttament lit-Teżorier f’dan l-indirizz:
Malta Association of Small Shareholders(MASS)
C/o Malta Stock Exchange(MSE)
Garrison Chapel, Castille Place,
Valletta VLT 1063
Il-ħlas jista’ isir ukoll bl-internet banking bħal qabel f’dan il-kont tal-MASS mal-BOV u jintbagħatu dettalji personali lit-Teżorier.
Savings account number: 4002225904-8
IBAN: MT56 VALL 2201 3000 0000 4002 2259 048
Kull korrispondenza oħra għandha tintbgħat bil-posta lill-President:
Mr. Alfred Portelli
Malta Association of Small Shareholders(MASS)
c/o MSE, Garrison Chapel, Castille Place, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1063
L-imejl , il-website u Facebook għadhom bħal qabel.
Grazzi tal-kooperazzjoni tiegħek.
The Association was founded in December 2011 under the name of Malta Association of Small Shareholders (MASS). At its first General Meeting held in February 2012, a Statute was approved, and a Committee elected. Subsequently, the Association was registered with the Commissioner of Voluntary Organisations and given the enrollment Code VO 0629. The Statute was amended in 2017.
The Committee meets in an office at the MSE, Garrison Chapel, Castille Place, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1063
MASS is a Member of Better Finance (short name for the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users) The mission statement of BF is like that of the Malta Association of Small Shareholders, and we are proud to form part of it.
MASS carries out its main objective; that of increasing ‘financial literacy’ among the retail investor, by acquiring sufficient knowledge to help them make wise choices for their investments. This was done and is still being done, by holding public conferences where professionals in different branches of the financial market give lectures on their specialisation. These were maybe University Professors, Chairpersons/Board of Directors of banks, and managers from the Malta Financial Services Authority and the Malta Stock Exchange, just to name a few.
MASS is the voice of the minority shareholders. It raises their concerns and puts questions about the prospects of the company’s future, and other matters to the Board of Directors of MSE-listed companies.
The Association’s news, informative and educational articles are published in its newsletter – Shareholders’ News – issued monthly (with exceptions). However, e-mail is greatly used to keep more frequent contact with its members.