Konferenza Pubblika
Il-Pubbliku huwa mistieden għal konferenza bil-Malti:
Dr Ivan Grixti, Lettur fl-Universita ta’ Malta, jitkellem dwar ‘Statement of Financial Cash Flow’ tal-kumpaniji. Ikun hemm ħin għal mistoqsijiet.
Post: Radisson Blu Resort, St Julians.
Data: It-Tlieta, 21 ta’ Ġunju 2016
Ħin: Kafè fis-6:00pm. Taħdita mis-6:30 sat-8:00pm.
Dħul b’xejn. L-International Hotels Investments p.l.c. bħal drabi oħra, offrew l-użu tas-sala mingħajr ħlas.
Parking pubbliku barra l-ħotel.
The public is invited to a conference in Maltese.
Dr. Ivan Grixti, Lecturer at the University of Malta, will deliver a talk in Maltese on ‘Statement of Financial Cash Flow’ of companies. There will be ample time for questions.
Venue: Radisson Blu Resort, St Julians with kind permission of International Hotels Investments p.l.c.
Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Time: Coffee at 6:00PM followed by the talk till 8:00PM.
Entrance Free.
Public Parking close to the hotel.