Bdejna sena oħra u diġà wasalna fit-tieni xahar. Ix-xogħol tal-MASS baqa’ għaddej u kif se taraw minn dan il-fuljett, il-ħidma għall-ġid tal-investituri, baqgħet għaddejja mingħajr waqfien. [...]
All loyal and prospective members of the Malta Association of Small Shareholders (MASS) are invited to attend MASS Conference Date: 14 July 2022 Speaker: [...]
Il-LĠA se’ ssir nhar il-Ħamis, 17 ta’ Marzu, 2020, fis-6.00PM, fil-Borża ta’ Malta il-Belt Valletta. Malta Association of Small Shareholders VO 0629 C/O Malta Stock Exchange Plc. Garrison Chapel, [...]
The Malta Stock Exchange Institute will be holding the 5th Annual MSEI Investor Education Conference on Wednesday, 6 November 2019 at the Malta Stock Exchange. This will be a morning event and [...]
2 April @ 16:30 hrs This course will explain the characteristics and differences between the various assets classes available to investors, [...]
F’din in-Newsletter numru 42 għax-xahar ta’ Frar 2019, se ssibu: l-Editorjal u l-Impenji tal-MASS miktuba minni. Wara ser issibu artiklu bl-Ingliż “The Dead Cat Bounce” mill-Assistent Segretarju [...]
We would like to thank all esteemed members of the association for consideration and trust. We deeply appreciate your kind cooperation throughout the past years and looking forward to have [...]